Rest in God’s Presence

Rest in God’s Presence

I’ll be the first to say that I’me not always diligent in reading my Bible, yet without even making it purposeful in my heart, I’ve been in this zone this week where I get to my desk, crank my worship music and open my mobile Bible, which also doubles as a cellular device. I’ve been in Romans, as you can tell from my prior posts. I’ve seen these verses go from superficial to substantive in my understanding of them, and I praise God for that. This is has been so good for my heart.

I don’t even know how to put into words what I’m feeling in my heart this morning. There is expectancy. There is comfort. There is peace. But there is more…something so tangible, yet indescribable working within me. It is almost bringing tears to my eyes.

In the current climate of this world, I pray that love wins. I pray that everyday in all of our actions, love wins. I pray that we are purposeful in showing love, and that even when that love is rejected, we aspire to love even more, because God is love and love never fails. I pray that we would give our burdens over to God, so that those obstacles that keep us from loving would be disintegrated in the light of a loving God. I pray today, that love wins, and that as it does, we would find peace, joy, and rest in the arms of our loving Father.

God is so good, and He has my heart. Totally.

Lastly, I pray for that person out there who is unsatisfied with life, with their body, with their job. I pray for that person who is dissatisfied with their station in life, where they find themselves in this very moment. I pray that for person who hates their addiction, but can’t find a way out. I pray for that person who has been hurt by the church, or by Christians. I pray for that person who wants to commit suicide. God sees you. He feels your hurt. He honors your tears. I believe this morning that He wants to show you how immensely He can satisfy your life and heal your heart. Jesus did the hard work on Calvary. We simply must have the faith to receive all that He has already done. God’s grace has done it! Love has won. I pray that love pierces the darkness that wants to flank your life and shines a brilliant light of life into you. You are no accident. Where you are in life does not define who you are! God has a personal definition for you, and it does not begin with sinner, addict, junkie, etc. it begins with beloved, redeemed, free, blessed. I pray that His presence will cover you right now, where ever you find yourself. Let Him in. Allow yourself to rest in Him. Only He can satisfy you!

Crank your worship music, grab your Bible, and enjoy Him this morning! He is so worthy!

Be blessed today!

Satisfy- Worship Mob